Following are the terms and conditions pertaining to your use of this site. Please read these carefully.
By browsing, downloading, or using this website’s information in any manner, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please note that we reserve the right to change these at any time. Please review these changes regularly, as your continued use of this site would indicate that you have accepted such changes. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are not authorized to use this website.
Description of the service:
Chris Ruden operates the website, to offer consumers access to information on workouts and nutritional tips, and access to video content.
Use of this site is governed by the following terms of use (“TOU”):
Acceptance of terms of service:
To become a member of the website (, you should complete the customer registration process and agree to the following terms of use. By clicking on the “I Agree” button below, you indicate your consent to be bound by this AGREEMENT.
Restrictions on use:
The website presents the information found on this website for your convenience. Reproduction, distribution, or re-publication of any such information, materials, documents, software, products, or services, in any form, without the prior written consent of is strictly prohibited. All the information on this website is protected by intellectual property laws and should be treated as such. Any and all rights not expressly granted in this notice are reserved.
Disclaimers and warranties:
WARNING: Before starting any bodybuilding program, you should:
(1) Consult a medical doctor about your physical condition and seek advice on what bodybuilding program and diet are suitable for you. Starting a program without prior consultation with a medical doctor may lead to severe health problems.
(2) Consult a qualified physical trainer about the type of training program that is suitable for you. There are several types of weight trainings that should only be done under supervision of a qualified trainer or with a “spotter”, for safety reasons.
RISK: All diets and bodybuilding programs involve risks to the physical and mental health of participants. In case of any complications or at the sign of any such symptoms, prompt medical consultation is recommended.
NOT INTENDED FOR MINORS. All dieting and body building programs featured on are for use by adults, and are not recommended for minors.
WARNING: The products for diet and physical trainings featured on this website may or may not include a warranty from the Seller. The Seller of each product will set forth disclaimers or warranties for the products that you order. However, company name, does not warrant the fitness of any such featured products. All products are featured, AS IS.
Due to factors outside its control, does not guarantee uninterrupted, error-free or secure access to this website.