How Diabetes Affects Vision and What You Can Do About It

This post is sponsored by Regeneron’s Look To Your Future If vision and eye care are not part of your diabetes management toolkit then you need to keep reading. When people think about diabetes management, they often think about the direct effects of diabetes and what to do: blood sugar management, exercise, nutrition etc. Vision […]

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9 of the Most Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

9 of the Most Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat, a type of visceral fat, is a major risk factor for several heart conditions and type 2 diabetes. It is the most harmful type of fat and is also the most difficult to get rid of. Even if you follow a strict diet and exercise regularly, it is very hard to lose belly […]

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Diabetes Weight Loss – 4 Things to Include in Your Plan

Diabetes Weight Loss – 4 Things to Include in Your Plan

It is tough to lose weight, especially if you’re a diabetic. Apart from sweating it out at the gym, you also need to ensure that you’re eating healthy and are fit overall. Even if you are perfectly healthy and fit to exercise, sometimes you just aren’t motivated enough to follow a routine. And that’s probably […]

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Safe and Easy Ways to Workout for Disabled People

Safe and Easy Ways to Workout for Disabled People

Contrary to popular opinion, a workout for disabled people is not impossible. It is, however, difficult and needs to be done under supervision or after a consultation from a doctor. People with any form of injury or disability may find it more difficult to work out than other people. And that’s not just because of […]

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5 Weight Loss Tips to Lose Extra Pounds Quickly and Safely

5 Weight Loss Tips to Lose Extra Pounds Quickly and Safely

Have you ever felt the need to to take drastic measures to lose weight quickly but stopped yourself because of its health implications? If you did, don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all have contemplated taking some weight-loss pills or starting a high-intensity workout routine at one point or another. It’s only human to want […]

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8 Super Smart Ways to Exercise While Sitting Anywhere

8 Super Smart Ways to Exercise While Sitting Anywhere

Does your job require you to sit behind a desk for the most part of your day? Well then, you’re in luck because this post will teach you how to exercise while sitting. I know you may have heard this a million times before – a sedentary lifestyle is bad for you. However, in spite […]

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