Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan – A Healthy & Safe Way to Lose Weight

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan – A Healthy & Safe Way to Lose Weight

A type 2 diabetes diet plan to lose weight is just like any other diet plan, but keeping in mind some dietary best practices for diabetic people.

The key is to eat frequent meals at regular intervals, preferably at the same time each day, to keep your blood sugar level in check.

Also, some food items are more beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes, while some need to be completely avoided. That’s what I am here to help you with.

In this post, I have listed various healthy and nutritious food items that you should include in your type 2 diabetes diet plan to lose weight. Remember, this is not a fixed diet plan, but a suggestive list of things that you should eat if you’re trying to lose weight.

Use this list as a base and keep adding things or personalizing the plan based on your needs.

Type 2 Diabetes Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Here is a list of the different meals you should eat in a day and a suggestive list of food items that you can eat for each. Also, make sure that you adhere to the calorie intake and carbohydrate intake guidelines.

There are several apps and tools available that can help you keep track of your calorie intake. You can also get suggestions on how many approximate calories a particular dish might have. So use whatever tool works for you and keep track of how many calories you are consuming for each meal.

Let’s dive in and take a look at the list.

Breakfast (<300 calories, <45g of carbs)

For people with type 2 diabetes, it is better to keep the carbs intake consistent for all three main meals of the day. It should ideally be lower than 45 grams for each meal—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Keeping your carbohydrates intake balanced through the day will help you regulate your blood sugar levels.

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Here are some things that you can include in your breakfast:

  • Oats (cooked in non-fat milk or water)
  • Whole wheat toast with peanut butter or avocado toast
  • Non-fat or low-fat yogurt topped with cherries or a plum or a small portion of any fruit of your choice
  • Fiber-rich fruits like apples
  • Boiled eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Sprouts
  • Whole-grain cereal with non-fat milk and no sugar

You can include coffee or tea in your breakfast as long as it is made with non-fat milk. Do not drink fruit juice or any other such high-sugar drinks as they can drastically increase your calorie intake.

You can include a mix of these food items in your breakfast, as long as it adheres to the calorie and carbohydrate intake guidelines. Use these only as suggestions to customize your own type 2 diabetes diet plan to lose weight in a healthy way.

Morning Snack (50-60 calories, <15g of carbs)

Eating snacks is a good way to curb those cravings in between meals. And, eating at frequent intervals is also good to keep your blood sugar levels in check. Just limit the portions and calorie intake and you’re good to go.

  • An apple or an orange
  • Berries like blueberry and cherries
  • Walnuts or any other healthy nuts
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You can swap these with any other small snack with similar nutritious value and calorie count. Avoid eating chips or any other packaged food as a snack and that would through your entire type 2 diabetes diet plan to lose weight off balance.

Lunch (300-350 calories, <45g of carbs)

For lunch, try to keep your calorie intake less than 350 calories. You can select anything from the list of food items given below. Just ensure that whatever meal you make using these adheres to the calorie and carbs guideline.

  • Green salad with vegetables of your choice, without using any fatty salad dressings
  • Include green vegetables, beans, lentils, and legumes in your diet
  • Non-vegetarians can have lean meats, fish, and eggs, but in small portions, and cooked in healthy oils
  • Vegetable broths/soups, without cream and fat
  • Replace white bread with pita bread or whole-grain bread
  • Hummus or avocado dip
  • Cottage cheese or tofu
  • Whole-grain pasta

You can make a wide variety of dishes using the food items mentioned above. Remember that following this type 2 diabetes meal plan to lose weight is not a punishment. You don’t need to eat boiled or bland food. You can use herbs, spices, and seasoning as per your taste. The key is to keep your portions in check and cook the meals using olive, canola, or any other healthy oil.

Evening Snack (50-60 calories, <15g of carbs)

  • An apple, orange, or a pear
  • Nuts and dried fruits
  • Boiled sweet corn or popcorn in limited portions
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You should avoid drinking tea or coffee in the evening. But, if you must, then use non-fat milk and prepare it without sugar. To keep your calorie intake in check, don’t eat a heavy snack when accompanied by tea or coffee.

Dinner (<450 calories, <45g of carbs)

For dinner, you can again use one or more of the following food items to cook a meal of your choice. Here’s a list of food items that you can use:

  • Brown rice, quinoa, barley, or millet
  • Lean meats, fish, and eggs, in small portions and cooked in healthy oils like canola or olive oil
  • Green vegetables, beans, legumes, lentils, etc.
  • Whole grain bread
  • Non-creamy, clear soups
  • Cottage cheese or tofu
  • Whole-grain pasta

Your type 2 diabetes diet plan to lose weight doesn’t have to be fixed or boring. You can experiment with all of these ingredients to make numerous meals of your choice. All of these food items are good for people with type 2 diabetes and can also help you lose weight.

Also, try to keep your dinner time a bit early, at least a few hours before you go to bed.


This type diabetes diet plan is a good place to start if you want to lose weight in a healthy and safe way. Follow these guidelines and customize this diet plan as per your needs.

If you need a training program to lose weight that is specially designed for you, then join my online personal training programs.

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