Chris Ruden’s 4 Week February Fat Loss Challenge: Get Paid to Lose

$300 worth of cash and supplements are up for grabs and all you have to do is LOSE WEIGHT. 

You read that correctly. I’m paying you to lose weight.



I’m only looking for specific people for this challenge, so you must be one or more of the following criteria:

  • Do you need to lose 20-40lbs?

  • Are you a type 1 diabetic, type 2, or prediabetic?

  • Have you recently tried to lose your 20+ lbs and it didn’t go as planned?

  • Will you workout at least 4 days a week (gym or home)?

The criteria above is who I’m looking for. If you are looking to lose less than 20lbs, build muscle (like a nice butt), or get stronger, check out my private online training here as this challenge isn’t for you.

Testimonials From Last Challenge:


What You Get

In this short challenge, you get a diet, weight training plan, and cardio plan that will help you lose 8-20+lbs in 4 weeks depending on how much body fat you have to begin with.

HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:  5 of the Best Weight Loss Programs for Diabetics That Actually Work

My goal is to help you make a real change in these 4 weeks.

While you and I both know losing serious weight takes longer than 4 weeks, how nice will it feel to get the first 10 pounds off quickly?

After getting 10+ pounds down in 4 weeks, won’t you feel more likely to keep going?

How will you feel when you hit 10lbs like Kaleigh did?

or 20 pounds like T1D Taylor did…

Or 30lbs like Hunter did…

and 40 pounds like my client Courtney did…

or even 60 pounds like my client Kelly did?


And once you lose that weight 4 weeks from now, you can win one of the following prizes:

  • $100 Amazon Gift Card
  • $100 in Nutrex Supplements
  • $75 in Nutrex supplements
  • A free copy of my “The Art of Losing Body Fat” fat loss ebook ($20)
  • 20% off Online Training

What I Need From You

First, I need you to register for the challenge below.

Once you join, I’ll need you to take a picture in beach wear or “airport security clothes” to show progress along with a piece of paper that lists:

  • Chris Ruden’s 4 Week Challenge
  • Start date
  • Current weight
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:  5 Weight Loss Tips to Lose Extra Pounds Quickly and Safely

We will do the same thing after once you lose the weight!

Register Now 

I originally had the challenge entry set at $199 to make sure the money held you accountable but I changed my mind to let more people join as I know the holidays wiped some of us out.

You get to lose 10+ pounds and a chance to win $300 in prizes and you start your 2017 off right for only $199 $139.

That is 30% off for 100% results guaranteed!

For a BIGGER discount, SHARE this post on your Facebook and I’ll take off an additional $40! Go to your Facebook, paste this post, and tell people what you are doing for the next 4 weeks! 

Click the button below to register for the challenge!



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