How to Lose Fat Fast Without Losing Your Lean Muscle

How to Lose Fat Fast Without Losing Your Lean Muscle

The holiday season is over and most of you might be looking for ways to lose the holiday weight. However, when people say they want to lose weight, they mean they want to lose fat, not their muscles.

There’s a difference between fat weight and muscle weight. People often get confused between these two. And in the process of losing fat, they end up losing their lean muscle as well. You need to follow workout routines and diets which help you to lose fat fast without losing your lean muscle.

Check out these four effective ways to lose fat fast without losing your lean muscle.

1. Eat Lean Protein

You need to add enough protein to your diet to lose fat fast while building your lean muscle. During your fat loss journey, protein becomes a very vital part of your overall diet.

It satisfies your hunger, increases metabolism, and keeps you fuller for longer. Also, it feeds protein synthesis, which is important for building and repairing your muscles.

You should increase the amount of protein you eat as decrease the amount of carbs you eat. So, what types of food should you eat for a high protein and low carb diet?

You can have lean meat (turkey, chicken, beef), fish, eggs, nuts, milk, and high-quality supplements. You can also include high-quality whey protein in your diet.

However, eat all of these foods in moderate amounts and avoid animal fat as much as possible. This means cooking without adding any extra fat. Also, avoid canned fish or any preserved food, and opt for fresh ingredients instead.

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But how will you what’s the exact amount of protein you need to take? You can use this protein calculator tool. All you need to do is add some basic information such as age, height, weight, activity level, etc. The tool then calculates the exact amount of protein you should eat.

protein calculator tool Lose Fat Fast

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2. Sleep for 8 Hours to Recover

After a tough day and a sweaty workout routine, you and your body need to recover. You should always give your body enough time to recover so you don’t overwork your muscles. To help your body recover from your workouts, try to sleep for 8 hours straight.

During training, your body is going through a tremendous amount of stress and pressure. You are putting it through diet restrictions and heavy weight-lifting workouts. So, a good peaceful sleep is necessary to help your muscles rebuild and recover.

The amount of quality sleep you get has a direct impact on whether you’ll lose fat or lean muscle. Besides that, it also helps you lose fat fast because your body’s hormone levels are influenced by sleep. Balancing your hormones is essential for losing excess fat.

3. Don’t Do Excessive Cardio

Let’s get this straight – since you have a calorie deficit diet, you can lose fat fast and get lean muscle without doing cardio. And as opposed to the common myth, cardio is not the ONLY way to lose fat fast.

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However, if you are doing too much cardio to lose fat fast then it can negatively affect your metabolism. An intensive cardio routine combined with an inappropriate and unbalanced diet can damage your metabolism. It’s like a vicious cycle and the only way to break it is to avoid overdoing cardio.

So, what is the best exercise routine to follow to lose fat fast and build lean muscle? The answer is to cut down your time on the treadmill and start high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

You can add a couple of HIIT workout sessions in a week to increase your body’s natural metabolism rate. This will help you speed up your fat loss. And if you are following a strict and healthy diet, that’s a big plus, and can help you see quick results.

You can also choose to increase the intensity and tempo of your HIIT workout routine to witness amazing results. The simplest way to implement this is to take small breaks like 30 seconds between each set.

4. Pre and Post Workout Meals

Not many people realize the importance of pre and post workout meals in their daily workout routine. All of your workout training and recovery will be wasted if you don’t have appropriate meals before and after you workout.

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Well-planned pre and post workout meals can help you lose fat fast and build lean muscle. They are designed to improve your performance during training and increase the impact of your workout sessions. They will also help your muscles recover quickly.

This makes pre and post workout meals a crucial aspect of your overall workout plan. Now what should you have as your pre and post workout meal? Keep it simple and avoid overcomplicating things. You need consume an appropriate amount of protein and carbs 1-2 hours before and after your workout routine.

Bye Bye, Fat and Welcome Lean Muscle!!

Take it one day at a time. You cannot achieve your fitness goals in a single day or in a matter of days. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to lose fat and build lean muscle.

Make sure you get 8 hours of quality sleep, as your muscles need time to recover and rebuild. And don’t forget to eat pre and post workout meals as they will help you lose fat and build your muscles.

Also, cardio is not the only solution to lose fat fast. In fact, too much of it can damage your natural metabolism. Follow these effective ways to lose fat fast without losing lean muscle.

Do you know any other healthy and effective ways to lose fat fast without losing lean muscle? If so, please share your ideas in the comments.

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