How to Ensure Quick Weight Loss – Here are 9 Steps You Need to Follow

How to Ensure Quick Weight Loss – Here are 9 Steps You Need to Follow

We all know that quick weight loss is neither healthy nor a permanent solution to obesity. That is why everyone recommends losing weight gradually and in a healthy way.

However, there might be situations where you need a quick weight loss regime. Sometimes it could be because you want to attend a wedding or get a bikini body before your trip or any other reason why you’re desperate to lose weight.

While I am a firm believer in losing weight in a healthy manner, it doesn’t mean you need to wait for months to see the results.

Here are some of the most effective quick weight loss tips that won’t take a toll on your health while you shed those extra pounds.

1. Start Tracking Your Calorie Intake

The first step in your quick weight loss plan should be to download a calorie tracker app and being mindful of what you eat.

The fundamental principle behind quick weight loss is that you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. But for you to do that, you need to know how much your calorie intake is.

Whatever diet plan you follow, check the calorie count of each meal and limit the calorie intake per meal.

To learn what specific types of foods you should eat for quick weight loss, read my detailed post on weight loss tips.

2. Eat Portion-Controlled, Regular Meals

Instead of having just 2 or 3 heavy meals, it’s better to have small, but frequent meals. And to eat them at fixed times every day and at regular intervals.

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What this method does is that it keeps you satiated throughout the day and prevents any food cravings that may cause you to overeat. Plus, it is also a good way to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

You can use smaller plates to serve food as that will give the impression that you’re eating a lot, but actually aren’t.

Also, make sure that you don’t skip breakfast because that’s the most important meal of the day. And, keep your snacks healthy and low in calories.

Pro Tip: Have an early dinner and don’t eat anything within the 2-3 hours before you go to bed.

3. Remove All Forms of  Sugar From Your Diet

This is probably the most effective quick weight loss tip of all and should be strictly followed if you want to lose weight fast.

Reducing sugar intake actually reduces your calorie intake because you avoid a lot of unhealthy and processed food items that contain sugar. And since most processed foods have sugar in some form, you end up avoiding most of the high-calorie, unhealthy foods.

4. Lift Weights

A lot of people think that cardio is the only way to lose weight, but that’s not true. Lifting weight helps you burn more calories and for longer.

Lifting weight builds muscle and increases your resting metabolism. Which means that your body will burn calories for hours after an intense weight lifting session.

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However, you should consult a trainer and have them make a workout schedule for you. Also be sure that you don’t overdo it.

5. Do High-Intensity Training

High-intensity training (HIT) is another great exercise for quick weight loss. It burns a similar amount of exercise as a cardio session but in a shorter time duration, according to a recent study.

HIT involves intense exercising for short periods and then taking breaks to recover and rest. HIT sessions are usually not as long as cardio sessions but burn a similar number of calories.

One word of caution though is that you should be in prime health to undertake such intense exercises. If you have any health problems, it is not advisable to do a HIT session.

6. Stick to Low-Calorie Beverages

If you are on a quick weight loss program, a rule of thumb is to not take any calories in liquid form. Liquid calories don’t satiate your hunger and increase your calorie intake. That’s a lose-lose situation on both fronts.

Also, avoid drinking any alcohol while you’re doing a quick weight loss program, as that will drastically increase your calorie intake.

7. Reduce Water Weight

A lot of times your body retains water that causes an increase in weight. So, reducing that water weight is a good trick for quick weight loss.

You can do that by eating less salt and carbohydrates, and also by taking diuretics like coffee that reduce water retention. That does not mean that you should order a caramel frappe. Have coffee in limited quantities, with skimmed milk, and without added sugar.

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8. Drink Loads of Water

Drinking water has numerous health benefits and can also help you lose weight. It cleanses your body, improves metabolism, and helps with digestion.

Drinking water before eating suppresses your appetite, so you tend to eat less after drinking water. Drinking water helps you feel full, reducing any cravings or overeating tendencies.

And drinking more water means you won’t feel the urge to drink other drinks, thus reducing your calorie intake.

If you want to add a twist to it, you can try detox water recipes and ad nutritious things like lemon, cucumber, and mint to your water. This will add flavor and will encourage you to drink more. And, it also has numerous health benefits, which is the icing on the cake.

9. Stress Less and Sleep More

If you don’t get proper quality sleep, you will wake up tired and may find it harder to exercise or follow a diet plan. A good night’s sleep is essential to get the required rest so that you follow your quick weight loss plan.


Use these tips to lose weight quickly, without compromising on your health.

To get a more personalized plan designed specifically for your needs, join my online personal training program.

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