How Diabetes Affects Vision and What You Can Do About It

This post is sponsored by Regeneron’s Look To Your Future If vision and eye care are not part of your diabetes management toolkit then you need to keep reading. When people think about diabetes management, they often think about the direct effects of diabetes and what to do: blood sugar management, exercise, nutrition etc. Vision […]

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Diabetes Weight Loss – 4 Things to Include in Your Plan

Diabetes Weight Loss – 4 Things to Include in Your Plan

It is tough to lose weight, especially if you’re a diabetic. Apart from sweating it out at the gym, you also need to ensure that you’re eating healthy and are fit overall. Even if you are perfectly healthy and fit to exercise, sometimes you just aren’t motivated enough to follow a routine. And that’s probably […]

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The Ultimate Diabetes Workout Plan for People with T1D

The Ultimate Diabetes Workout Plan for People with T1D

Most experts agree that working out can be great for people with type 1 diabetes. However, the bigger concern for many people who suffer from this condition is how exercising might affect their glucose levels and how they might end up feeling after a workout. And because there’s so little information out there about this, […]

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Type 1 Shirts & Hoodies For a Cause

I’m only selling a limited quantity of these shirts and hoodies! As many of you know, I am helping the Sonia Nabeta Foundation and going to Uganda Africa to help out one of their camps and ultimately developing a program to help the type 1 kids in need over there even more. 100% of profit […]

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Fit Me T1D Challenge Starts September 3rd! Get Paid to Lose!

Designed by a T1D, the Fit Me T1D Challenge is ONLY for type 1’s looking to reduce body fat and maintain/improve lean muscle.   The Fit Me T1D Challenge is a challenging 4 Week Training & Nutrition program that can be modified for your specific goals (body fat loss, lean muscle, feeling healthier etc).   […]

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Diabetes & Tattoos: The ONLY 2 Things You Need to Know

“Diabetics can’t or shouldn’t get tattoos” would likely be uttered from the same person who would say people with diabetes can’t or shouldn’t eat carbs. Not only is it an ignorant, projected opinion filled with misinformation, but it is simply incorrect. For some odd reason, people with diabetes get treated like we have leprosy and […]

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